Mira Clinic’s New Revolutionary Fat Dissolving Treatment Featured On Today Tonight Perth!

Fat dissolving double chin treatment - mira clinic

Mira Clinic’s New Revolutionary Fat Dissolving Treatment Featured On Today Tonight Perth!

As one of Perth’s most trusted cosmetic procedure providers, we were thrilled to be featured on Today Tonight Perth with our founder Dr. Andrew Clark showcasing the latest advanced, fat-dissolving procedure to slim your double chin for a proven four years!

This revolutionary treatment, new to Australian shores, uses a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. This acid is naturally occurring in the body and works to break down and absorb the fat contained in the food we consume. It is the only injectable treatment available in Australia (which uses a medication listed with the TGA) for reducing ‘submental’ fatty areas under your chin.

This clinically proven, non-invasive fat dissolving procedure will safely reduce stubborn fat deposits so you can achieve a more contoured neck area and jawline for a defined, youthful profile.

As shown in the segment, each treatment only takes approximately 20 minutes with very little downtime required and the contouring is extremely effective. Results can often be compared to those achieved with traditional liposuction, without going under general anaesthetic and under the knife!

Each fat dissolving treatment performed at Mira Clinic includes a tailored treatment plan based on your individual chin profile. After a course of treatments is completed, re-treatment is not common as results are generally maintained for at least four years.

With international ambassadors such as Khloe Kardashian utilising the very same treatment to help achieve her current flawless look, as well as local celebrities like former House Rules contestant and Mira Clinic client, Carole Bramston, whose subtle, natural looking transformation looks fantastic after only three treatments, the results simply speak for themselves:

At your initial consultation there is no obligation to proceed with any treatment. You can book in to speak with one of our experienced consultants now or if you wish to find out more detailed information about double chin treatment, click here.

Click through to the Today Tonight Perth Facebook page to view the full story.

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