Double Chin Before and After – MIRA Cosmetic Clinic Perth

Fat Dissolving Injections Gallery – Clinically Proven Results

Double chin before and after images will show you what can be achieved with this non-surgical cosmetic procedure.

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Fat dissolving injections - double chin - before and after - image 002b - after
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Fat dissolving injections before and after - image 005b - after
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Fat dissolving injections - before and after photos - image 004b - after
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Double chin fat removal - before and after - image 003b - after

Double Chin Injections in Perth

A defined chin and neckline are essential to a striking side profile. Unfortunately, excess fat in the lower half of the face can create a double chin, which can alter your appearance from both the front and the side and affect your self-confidence.

Where surgery was once the only way to address this common concern, double chin injections are a minimally invasive treatment that can now safely and gradually create a more defined chin and neckline.

A Cosmetic Solution for Double Chins

At MIRA Clinic in Perth, we use double chin injections to gradually dissolve the unwanted fat cells in the chin area. The injections are made up of prescription medication that replicates a specific molecule that occurs naturally in the body. This molecule is responsible for breaking down unwanted fat deposits by destroying the structure of the fat cells.

Following their session, patients can expect some mild swelling and discomfort as the body’s immune system processes and removes the damaged fat cells from the chin and neck area. Multiple treatments will also be required to achieve the desired outcome. In most instances, results will be noticeable after two to four treatments – the more treatments you receive, the better the outcome will be.

Once the fat cells in this area have been naturally removed via the body’s lymphatic system, the results will last for up to four years, provided the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle.

If you have unwanted fat deposits under your chin or upper neck, you could benefit from double chin injections. Since not everyone is an ideal candidate for this treatment though, patients will only be cleared following a thorough consultation with one of the clinicians at MIRA Clinic.